Vulnerable children dream of an “all inclusive” season of outdoor games – Tdh offers micro-grants to fulfill their dreams

Terre des hommes Foundation (Tdh) grants funding in a total value of 27.200 RON for summer activities dedicated to children at risk in the south-west Oltenia region of Romania. The call for proposals is open until the deadline of June 20th, 2016, and is targeted at 12 communities involved in the “zefiR” programme: Barca, Negoi, Amarastii de Jos, Filiasi (Dolj county); Baia de Fier, Polovragi, Targu Carbunesti, Bumbesti Jiu (Gorj county); Piatra Olt, Slatina, Gradinari, Caracal (Olt county).

For children who face economic problems, are stigmatized and/or marginalized, the single novelty brought by summer season is that of being out of school. Although they have more free time, their chances to learn and develop social skills are very limited. To participate in summer activities organized by adults is a true opportunity for them to have unique experiences that may positively shape their personality and become their childhood memories.

Until June 20th, non-governmental organizations, local institutions and initiative groups from partner communities involved in the “zefiR” programme may submit project applications of max. 3,400 RON proposing educational and recreational activities for at least 30 beneficiaries/community (240 beneficiaries at regional level). Project ideas developed through consultation with children and based on “Movement, Game and Sport” methodology are highly recommended.

“As already proven by numerous scientific researches, the attention given to the development of a child determines his/her resilience in difficult situations. A child who feels accepted and supported will establish and maintain positive social relations, while a neglected child might manifest anti-social behaviors. The educational interventions which are based on «Movement, Games and Sport» are the easiest ways to restore the emotional balance of children and to help them trust others and themselves. Therefore, we encourage the application of psycho-social tools to engage children in games that will develop their mind, body and soul”, says Marius Cernusca, County Coordinator & Education Specialist Tdh.

Interested applicants are expected to submit their project ideas by using the standard form and sending it on paper support at Tdh’s office or by email, at granturi.comunităţ, before the deadline of June 20, 23:59. Applications coming from other communities than the ones already mentioned are not eligible for funding. All documents required to prepare project proposals are available online at After collecting all applications, Tdh will select 8 projects whose implementation will start after June 28, 2016.

zefiR is co-funded by a grant from Switzerland allocated through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union.

Fundatia Terre des hommes Elvetia