
The Child Protection Hub ( is an interactive platform for professionals. Here we exchange experiences and knowledge, learn from each other, offer and receive support.


The Child Protection Hub was initiated by a group of individuals and organisations from 10 different countries, from South East Europe and the wider European region. As a professional community, we strive for a safe, nurturing and inclusive environment for all children. We have come together to realize this ambitious project in order to provide child protection professionals with tools for working and developing, space for constant learning and communication and with an opportunity to become a part of a strong regional community of practice.

On the Child Protection Hub you can:

  • LEARN AND EXPLORE: this website brings together resources for quick learning, such as podcasts, videos, and other, as well as webinars, resources for trainers and different materials for independent learning.
  • CONNECT AND EXCHANGE: benefit from our rewarding membership, search for colleagues, discuss with them or join case discussions.
  • FIND OUT MORE: browse through vacancies, ask us any question or find out about the partners and people behind the website.

The Child Protection Hub has brought together a lot of people, resources and knowledge. We invite you to connect with us, become a member, participate, share and learn to make this community of practice even stronger and more influential for the best protection of children.

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