“Take care” – Messages of hope for children affected by migration

33 million children and youth are currently on the move around the world. Their number grows every day with new migration flows. Forced to move, exposed to risks, marginalized, children and young people in situations of migration need to be welcomed with empathy and to have their rights defended.

With the occasion of International Day of Refugees, Terre des hommes representatives went to two schools in Bucharest – School no. 73 “Barbu Delavrancea” and Technology High School “Dimitrie Gusti” – where they held an interactive class regarding the non-discrimination of migrant children and rights defense.

DSC_0398During the activities, children in secondary school and young people in high school watched the video of the “Destination Unknown” campaign, promoted internationally by the Federation Terre des hommes, they read media articles to understand the implications of war conflicts on children, they participated in role plays and wrote messages of support for refugee children.

DSC_0393Find out what Romanian children and youngsters had to say to their counterparts affected by migration. Read their messages here:

It’s your turn to support children affected by migration! Understand the amplitude of the situations affecting them, follow “Destination Unknown” campaign and participate when you are needed!

Fundatia Terre des hommes Elvetia