Tag Archives: self help grants

Grants in value of 400.000 RON offered by Tdh for children in Dolj, Gorj and Olt

Terre des hommes Foundation from Switzerland grants 400.000 RON to support communities from Dolj, Gorj and Olt in nurturing a safe development for 3000 children at risk. Until May 22nd, NGOs, public institutions and informal groups can submit project proposals, each in value of 5860 RON, for the first funding stage.

Much in alignment with the old saying “it takes a whole village to raise a child”, Terre des Hommes foundation (Tdh) supports local initiatives in the Southern region of Romania in order to prevent abuse, exploitation, neglect and child trafficking, as well as their separation from families. In 2016, Tdh will allocate 7 grants, each of 5860 RON/project, remaining that 68 more grants will be distributed in 2017-2018.

For the same purpose, between 2013-2015, Tdh invested 434.650 RON in the implementation of 122 projects. As a consequence, more than 1214 children in need have completed their education by attending after-shool activities, have been empowered to participate in local decision-making and have had access to qualitative health-care.

By relaunching the grants programme – also known as “Self-Help Grants” – Tdh continues its long-lasting concern for child wellbeing and encourages the design of local solutions, involving „the whole village”, to generate positive changes in the life of 3000 children over the next 3 years. Compared to previous editions, Tdh will now fund especially those project proposals that prove to be accepted by the community, through the input of Community Advisory Boards or members of Local Action Groups.

Summing up to 400.000 Ron, the grants program will be run in 3 stages (2016, 2017 and 2018), supporting the implementation of 75 projects. To begin with, in 2016, Tdh will select only 7 projects, while the remaining 68 will be funded in the following stages.

Eligible applicants are public institutions, organizations and informal groups, working in the premises of Dolj, Gorj and Olt counties and being recognized by the Public Social Services and Community Advisory Boards as activating in the benefit of children. Project proposals must meet clear criteria, for example:

• be centered on the idea of ​​preventing abuse, exploitation, neglect and child trafficking;

• contribute to the protection of children, including the provision of case management;

• encourage school attendance and access to education etc.

The proposed initiatives may cover (but are not limited at): hiral of social workers to provide case management, delivery of training and information sessions for children / young people, implementation of specific programs (counseling and/or therapy, parenting activities, after-school, non-formal education), instalment of IT infrastructure to facilitate communication between children and parents working abroad, and many others.

Interested applicants can submit project proposals by  filling in a standard form and sending it by post or by email, at granturi.comunităţi@archive.tdh.ro, until May 22, 23:59. All documents required for project proposals (Guidelines for Applicants, the Application Form) are available online at archive.tdh.ro/finanţări.