Regional resource center for Child Protection in South East Europe

Starting with October 2014, The Regional Resource Centre for Child Protection is a project implemented by the local office of Terre des hommes Foundation in Romania that aims at developing a strong regional community of practice and innovation in South East Europe, among stakeholders who are contributing directly to the development and delivery of child protection services (professionals, academics, decision makers, experts, users).

The project strategically articulates 3 types of interventions (knowledge management, capacity building and advocacy) around a regional network of professionals and agencies, supported by an online platform.

The focus of this platform is given to services and skills addressing situations of abuse of and violence against children. The RRC will enable networking and professional cooperation among stakeholders in SEE countries. It will increase opportunities for upgrading knowledge and skills and generate a process of continuous practices improvement, (through training, peer-to-peer exchange, an online library or resources available in 5 languages). RRC will also offer a platform for advocacy for policy development and innovation.

The target groups are (a) 1000 professionals, academics, policy makers from the region, as well as (b) a pool of 150 experts in child protection, that will act as enablers for the modernization of services and child related policies. It is expected that more than 500.000 children and families will be impacted positively by the project, as final beneficiaries.

The project is led by Terre des hommes’ regional office in Budapest and benefits from strong partners from 7 countries of the region. Their role is to make sure that all challenges encountered in SEE countries are addressed effectively and are included in the RRC analysis, policy recommendations, and advocacy initiatives (challenges such as the significant deprivation of families following the economic crisis, as well as migration of children’s parents and of professionals, discrimination of minorities, political unrest and uneven funding mechanisms for community services etc.

Regional resource center for Child Protection in South East Europe is a project implemented with the support of the European Commision, Oak Foundation and Austrian Development Cooperation.

This publication reflects the views only of the author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The English presentation of the project is here:


Fundatia Terre des hommes Elvetia