“Innovative methodologies for Second-Chance programs” conference – You’re invited!

Are you leading or are you involved in “Second Chance” programmes and want to facilitate the integration of children in situations of migration? Do you want to appropriate new methodologies of teaching by which to prevent drop-outs among this vulnerable group?

If your answer is yes, you are invited Thursday, October 27, between 10:00-16:00, at Euro Hotels Gara de Nord (Bucharest, Grivitei no. 130) to attend the conference “Innovative methodologies for Second-Chance programmes”.

Organized by the Terre des hommes through the European project “ROBIN-Reinforcing competences to Build Inclusion through the New Learning methodology”, the conference will give you the chance to discover a new training program designed by the project partners to meet the specific training needs of Second Chance specialists working directly with children in situations of migration and / or affected by it*.

More details about the conference can be found. Confirmation of participation can be sent via email to raluca. icleanu@tdh. ro (project manager Raluca Condrut) until October 24, 2016. His state has used the data collected on disproportionality to work on websites that do your homework its identification practices for special education.

* The syntagm “children in situations of migration and affected by it” refers to children and young people with no fixed abode, whose parents are working abroad, traveling voluntarily or involuntarily, accompanied or unaccompanied, within their country or inside EU countries, and who are repatriated, refugees, victims of human trafficking etc.


„ROBIN – Reinforcing Competences to Build Inclusion through a New learning methodology” is a transnational project, funded by the European Commission through Erasmus + Programme (KA 2 Strategic Partnerships).

Fundatia Terre des hommes Elvetia