Alternative Ways to Address Youth

– online professional training –

Over the past 20 years, the juvenile justice system has undergone significant changes, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. Of course, these changes have affected the implementation of alternative measures, diversion, victim-aggressor mediation and other restorative techniques in most CEE countries.

Children need special treatment. Unlike adults, they are much more vulnerable being in the process of physical, emotional, but especially behavioural development. The best interests of the child must also be applied in the justice system taking into account their development needs in order to have young people integrated into society, future active citizens. 

The Project Alternative Ways to Address Youth (AWAY) aims to ensure that professionals from different multidisciplinary fields become more aware and better trained about diversion methods for suspected / investigated children benefiting from the procedural safeguards of EU Directives 2016/800, 2012/13 , 2012/29.

The AWAY project team has developed an on-line course for child protection and justice professionals on alternative division methods and court procedures for children. The course does not only provide alternative diversion methods but also the tools with which they can be handled by professionals in future work.

The participants have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge of alternative methods of solving the criminal process (diversion) and its use, the psychology of young people in conflict with the law and juvenile justice, but also how to communicate with young people.


The online course is available by accessing the link on the Childhub platform.


The Project Alternative Ways to Address Youth (AWAY) aims at raising public awareness of alternative diversion methods of solving the criminal trial and process and to ensure that professionals from different multidisciplinary fields become more aware and better trained about diversion methods for suspected /investigated children who benefits from the procedural guarantees of EU Directives 2016/800, 2012/13, 2012/29. AWAY is supported by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme and is active in five countries across Europe: Bulgaria through the involvement of the Judicial System Development Programme (PDSJ), Croatia through Brave Phone Croatia, Romania through Terre des Hommes-Switzerland , Belgium, through Defence for Children International (DCI) and the International Juvenile Justice Observatory (IJJO), Hungary, under the coordination of the Terre des hommes Regional Office for Central and Southeast Europe (Applicant) and the Global Network for Public Interest Law – PILNET.

Fundatia Terre des hommes Elvetia