Picture competition for youngsters

Partners of the LEAP project Against Sexual Violence have opened up a competition for young people to create a picture to be used for a booklet that will help young people train other young people about lifeskills and leadership. The picture must be their representation of a word of choice from the list down below, has to respect the colour palette of the LEAP logo (black, red, yellow and orange), should be in a A4 format and present a simple composition. The words are: Learning | Lifeskills | Safe spaces | Participation | Rights | Communication |Body language | Listening |Relationships |Creating Change | Time |Patience | Empathy | Respect | Voice |Power |Assertiveness | Self-confidence | Identity |Advocacy |Change | Challenge | Impowerment | Consultation | Engagement  Deadline for submission is 15th October, 2016. Entries should be sent to stuart.higgins@barnardos.org.uk and kate.d’arcy@beds.ac.uk. Winning materials and their authors will benefit from exposure to transnational level, following the introduction of photographs in the project manual.

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Media Trip to the South of Romania

Between the 5th and 7th of August 2016, 9 journalists and bloggers ventured into one of the poorest regions of Romania, the South. Yet, as they soon found out, conditions been improving in 12 communities from Gorj, Dolj and Olt counties, since 2013 when 7 partners begun implementing the zefiR project and improved Roma people’s access to education, health and housing. There are a lot of basic needs to cover, and local people have tried their best to get involved and create new opportunities in their home communities. The media trip in the South enabled the 9 journalists and bloggers to meet with these actors of change and to hear their story. Staff from Tdh and the PACT Foundation accompanied their guests, together with friends from who narrated the local history, legends and traditions. The first stop was at Baia de Fier, in Gorj county, where mediators, teachers and facilitators told us how the health-care center supports mothers in the community, and how the intercultural education program and social-inclusion events support children to fulfil their potential. Part of their story can be found. The next day, after a brief stop at Amarastii de Jos, we reached Ocolna, in Dolj County. […]

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21 social workers trained to relate effectively with all those supporting children and families on the move

Whether they are left behind by their parents, escaping conflict or returning home, children on the move- as well as their families- need to be welcomed with empathy and understanding. Interaction with authorities must not become another obstacle to stability, adding  to the difficult situations through which they are already forced. The ability of child protection professionals to communicate and relate in an appropriate way is crucial for releasing the tensions and anxiety that affect children and families in situations of migration. To help social workers fulfill their role as facilitators of integration, Terre des hommes has developed a training course entitled “Improving the professional competences of social worker to communicate and relate with beneficiaries and other stakeholders “, endorsed by CNASR. The course was first delivered to a group of 21 social workers from Dolj county in Craiova, from the 27th-28th of June, as part of the “Regional Resource Center for Child Protection in Southeast Europe” project, financed by European Commission and implemented transnationally by Terre des hommes and partners in 7 countries: Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina. For 2 days, trainees participated in interactive sessions where they learned how to better communicate with children and […]

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Tdh Romania, re-accredited as training provider

On June 24, through Notice no. 111  issued by CNASR (en. National College of Social Workers from Romania), Terre des hommes Romania has been re-accredited as a provider of continuous vocational training in the field of social assistance. The same day, by a new notice (112), CNASR decided to accredit one of our training programs as well, namely: “Improving communication and relationship professional competence of social worker with beneficiaries and other stakeholders involved”. The training program approved by CNASR will provide 3 professional credits to future trainees. For over a decade, in addition to its direct interventions for child safeguarding, Tdh facilitated the training of thousands of professionals, helping them adopt and enforce child-friendly and child-centered work practices. CNASR’s recognition confirms the importance of Tdh’s efforts in this direction and strengthens our intention to help shape a generation of professionals that are particularly attentive to the needs of children as well as innovative in the solutions they find for their protection.

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Fundatia Terre des hommes Elvetia