Alternative Ways to Address Youth

– online professional training – Over the past 20 years, the juvenile justice system has undergone significant changes, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. Of course, these changes have affected the implementation of alternative measures, diversion, victim-aggressor mediation and other restorative techniques in most CEE countries. Children need special treatment. Unlike adults, they are much more vulnerable being in the process of physical, emotional, but especially behavioural development. The best interests of the child must also be applied in the justice system taking into account their development needs in order to have young people integrated into society, future active citizens.  The Project Alternative Ways to Address Youth (AWAY) aims to ensure that professionals from different multidisciplinary fields become more aware and better trained about diversion methods for suspected / investigated children benefiting from the procedural safeguards of EU Directives 2016/800, 2012/13 , 2012/29. The AWAY project team has developed an on-line course for child protection and justice professionals on alternative division methods and court procedures for children. The course does not only provide alternative diversion methods but also the tools with which they can be handled by professionals in future work. The participants have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge […]

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How to deal with the criminally responsible juveniles

Children in conflict with the law are still children and need protection and support for reintegration and rehabilitation. This is the vision of the European Project AWAY (1) implemented in Romania by the Foundation Terre des hommes.   Within the project a survey has been carried out analysing both the institutional structure and the legislation that regulates the juvenile justice system as well as the practices identified in the system. The study, conducted by Prof.Dr. Durnescu and Corina Popa present a critical perspective on the juvenile justice system in Romania, with a special focus on diversion measures. The authors took into consideration the European Union and UN standards and studied the extent to which Romanian legislation, institutions and practices comply with these standards. The most important principles pursued in the field of juvenile justice are similar to all the principles applicable to the field of child protection and the most important of them is that in all state interventions, the best interests of the child will be observed. Starting from this, rehabilitation and reintegration of juveniles in conflict with the law are measures that respond to the best interests of the child. The juvenile who has reached the age of […]

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Alternative Ways to Address Youth (AWAY) (2017-2018)

AWAY project aims to raise awareness on diversion, a restorative method in juvenile justice. There are available services and opportunities for diversion, but current measures are not appropriate or effective. Evidence based research, capacity buildings, different information campaigns take place in Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Belgium between 2017-2018. The project is launched by the Regional Office for Central and South Eastern Europe of Terre des hommes and implemented by juvenile justice organisations throughout Europe. It is supported by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union and is currently implemented in 5 countries: Bulgaria, under the coordination of Program for the Development of the Judicial System (PDJS) Croatia, under the coordination of Brave Phone Croatia Romania, under the coordination of Terre des hommes Foundation Belgium, under the coordination of Defence for Children International (DCI) and the International Juvenile Justice Observatory (IJJO) Hungary, under the coordination of Terre des hommes Regional Office for C/SEE (project lead) and The Global Network for Public Interest Law – PILNET The project aims at ensuring that multidisciplinary professionals are more aware and better equipped on diversion for arrested / suspected children who benefit from the procedural guarantees they are entitled to […]

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‘On Move Together’ – Sport and psychosocial games brings communities together

Over 30 refugee and host community member women and children participated in the first training in ”Movement, Games and Sport” psychosocial methodology of Terre des hommes, in Bucharest, between 19th – 27th of June 2018. Through the project ‘MOVE together – Sport as a tool for integration and social inclusion of refugees’, Terre des hommes intends to contribute to a better social inclusion and integration of refugees in the Romanian society promoting the benefits of sports. The project is implemented in 2 cities: Bucharest and Constanta. A mix group of 32 refugees and host community member women will be trained and coached using the “Movement, Games and Sport” Methodology of Terre des hommes. They will form a community of practice with skills and knowledge to deliver psychosocial support to refugee and host community children and young people through sports. In partnership with sport clubs and local service providers, they will organize fair play and sport events for mixed groups of refugees and host community, increasing their confidence, resilience, interaction and respect for differences. Dissemination events will target representatives of Romanian sports associations, local authorities, NGOs and the general public, increasing their awareness of the refugee’s situation, difficulties and rights, but […]

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Fundatia Terre des hommes Elvetia